Sunday, May 8, 2011

How To Destroy An Administration's Credibility

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First, refuse to release an actual birth certificate when you're challenged on your bona-fides to be President during the original campaign. Then, when pressed, release one that is heavily compressed and bears no relationship to an actual simple scan of a piece of paper, leaving plenty of doubt about exactly how it came to be. Once you've done this, be extraordinarily "Presidential" and take cheap shots at a potential political opponent during a Press dinner in a scene more reminiscent of South Park than that befitting a President of The United States.

Next, make lots of noise about how you're not going to Washington to pander to banksters. As soon as you're elected, however, make sure you appoint the man who runs the NY Fed to be your Treasury Secretary.

Tell the public you're going to cut the budget deficit in half within your first term during the campaign, fully-aware that we're headed into the worst recession in decades at the time. As soon as you get in office, nearly triple the deficit spending of your predecessor instead.

Campaign on the horrors of the drug war and the need to stop criminals from shooting people in Mexico in furtherance of this activity. Once in office set up "Project Gunwalker" and "Fast and Furious" allowing more than 1,000 illegally-purchased firearms to be transported to Mexico, some of which are then used to shoot both Americans and Mexicans. Oh, and to make sure the Mexican drug lords can pay for those guns allow a major US bank to launder nearly $400 billion dollars of Mexican drug money and get off with a tiny little fine instead of sending everyone involved in that scam to prison and revoking the bank's charter.

Tell the public you are being elected their President to stand and fight for the "little people." Once in office, however, allow more than 150,000 perjured affidavits to be filed in furtherance of stealing the common man's home, and instead of directing your Justice Department to empanel a grand jury and indict everyone involved work behind the scenes on a sweetheart deal where these very same firms promise - very nicely - not to do it again.

In keeping with the same premise, demand and pass not one but two 2,000 page monstrosities of bills, one attempting to force everyone in the country to buy a thing they may not want to (Health Insurance) and the other claiming to fix "too big to fail" while doing nothing of the sort, refusing to force the unregulated credit default swap and other derivative markets to come under margin supervision and public exchange posting of pricing and spreads. When challenged on the cost-savings of your health reform bill wave your hands, scream and shout - right up until you're caught double-counting alleged savings and your HHS Secretary is forced to admit you did it in a Congressional hearing.

Advocate and get passed a bill called "Cash for Clunkers" that is claimed to be intended to help the auto industry and middle-class America. Ignore the fact that it also caused a huge number of affordable cars and their most-valuable parts to be intentionally destroyed, thereby dramatically increasing the cost of acquiring basic transportation for those who are in the lower economic strata.

Then, after you've done all this, claim to have killed Bin Laden in a SEAL raid, trumpeting the best and finest military units that the world has ever known. Promise to release pictures proving that the most-hunted and wanted man in the history of the United States - the mastermind behind blowing up three buildings with airplanes and attempting to hit a forth - has expired at America's hand.


  1. That pretty much says it all about this corrupt administration. Yep, I think it does.
