Friday, April 8, 2011

Allen West on CNN Discussing His Vote- "Tea Party Wing?"

Via PUMABydesign


  1. That's how you handle the media, calm cool and principled. I'd vote for that man in 2012... Oh but wait, I'm a racist...sheesh Now I'm confused..

  2. He voted to renew the Patriot Act.

  3. I'd vote for that man in 2012

    In a heartbeat. I like Ryan also. Plus Bachmann, the two Pauls, so many good ones.

  4. Forliberty. Yep he did. And as much as I don't like it, we are still fighting folks that want to kill us en-mass. IF we had some sort of leadership we wouldn't still be fighting these raghead 7th century goat lovin POS's, and could remove that restriction on our liberty.

    As much as we hate it, it's a tool for those in the trade to prevent massive deaths on our shores.

    Personally, I'd be leveling mecca and any place islamic radical FKS gather before I placed these restrictions on OUR PEOPLE. but like I said NO LEADERSHIP and SHEEP For citizens.
