Thursday, March 24, 2011

Deal with facts, not myths

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The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment
To The Constitution For The United States


The Dispatch


I don’t mean to insult Mr. (Charles) Owens’ fourth-grade interpretation of the history of the “War of the Rebellion,” but if slavery was the reason for the war, why did the Southern states not support the original 13th Amendment, which guaranteed slavery and only required the South to reenter the Union to pass? To any sane person that would prove the war was not over slavery. Why did (President) Lincoln and (William) Seward when meeting with representatives of the Confederacy as late as February 1865 promise them if they would lay down their weapons they could keep their slaves?

It’s awkward when one deals with facts instead of myths, lies and one-sided history. Yes, by the way, I can document this and much more.

“Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youths will be taught by Northern school teachers; learn from Northern school books their version of the war.”

— Confederate Gen. Patrick Cleburne

Gary Adams

Hayes, Va.


1 comment:

  1. Gary, .

    Go look at what your fucking documents and speeches and newspapers said at the time, yoiu retard.

    They screamed it from the rooftops -- SLAVERY - they shouted it in their headlings -- SPREAD SLAVERY.

    It was about the spread of slavery your stupid shit -- that is what your leaders said at the time, that is what your newspapers said at the time, that is what your documents said at the time.

    Quit being a pussy, you moron, time to accept what your own leaders said in 1958-1861, you stupid shit.

    By the way, they had Clebourne killed -- your own SOuthern leaders - you stupid shit.
