Monday, February 21, 2011

Zulu Rules

Sarah: Maid Of Albion

"It will be a bloody cold day in hell before I let my country turn into this. And it was bloody Amerikans who helped push it over the edge. And it will be bloody Amerikans who push us over the edge.

Your choice America.

Teen age Keith Lewis, attacked together with his 90 year old grandmother in Zululand

The feeding trough of the hard working American "tax payer" is running dry. You bleed me enough where I can no longer put a roof over my head, food in my stomach, gas to get to work, and etc. ... I'll be coming after you sooner than you expected. I'd rather not survive without the "necessities" ... but I can, and I will.

I suggest you tax feeders get your priorities in line. There are more of us ... than there are of you.

As a cop once told me: "There are no guarantees that any of us will come out of this alive." My response: "Yeah, but why push it?"

Your move tax feeders.

Atlanta Tea Party - Facing The SEIU - State Capitol, 23 February, 4 PM Local

I would suggest that you not push it across the line ... and you are close to the line. As an EMPLOYEE of the PEOPLE, you are not ENTITLED to anything that we are not willing to give you. Ok State and Federal Union THUGS? Your Lords giveth and can taketh away.

After all, it is YOU who are establishing precedents for the rules of engagement."


  1. The US gov't owes the Afrikaners and other White South Africans a great debt and an apology for destroying their previously safe and First World country. Is this a defense of the former system? No. But the surely the current system of White genocide is far worse. Under the previous system Zulus and other Blacks (a large part of whom migrated into South Africa to seek work and a better life) prospered and grew in number. Under the present system everyone is suffering except for the ruling elite and the descendants of the European settlers who brough civilisation to the country are being either forced to flee or killed. Very sad.
