Saturday, February 19, 2011

Burn, Baby, Burn: Government Workers (Publix Sckool Teachers Included) & Self-Immolation
Surely the above must be a parody since California was ranked 47th (2006-2007) out of 50, or is it 58? Our beloved leader did say there were 58 states, oh well, whatever, they are obviously no where near A+! :)

At any rate via Western Rifle Shooters Association

"So the wholesale elimination of government schooling will lead to tens of thousands of uneducated youngsters? What do we have now under the government education system? A nation of budding inventors and entrepreneurs?

No, these aspirations are universally condemned in government schools. What you have are shambling mall lampreys tied umbilically to their various electronic devices all of their waking hours having the quality of life only the dead would envy.

The mind laundries the teachers victimize their caged youth in are rather elaborate Marxoid reeducation camps teaching the young acolytes to worship government supremacism, narc on their colleagues and parents and respond instantly and obediently to the droning bells that punctuate their vapid walks through the hallways to the next politically correct dullard whose claim to fame is a teaching degree which has the same utility as a getting a certification in paranormal studies or other such anti-intellectual witchcraft."


  1. If the students don't do well all you have to do is lower the standards until they are successful and, voila'!.... they become geniuses overnight. :) (they're still dumbasses, though....)
