Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blood Stained Nation

The bloodshed continues in South Africa and the last fortnight has been no different. As is so often the case it is the weak, the old and the very young who are its victims. Like all brutes who run when confronted by someone who can fight the sadistic killers of South Africa revel in the brutalisation of those less able to defend themselves.

The latest farm murder was particularly savage as the following report from South Africa's News 24 confirms:


  1. My heart goes out to the Afrikaner people. It's terrible what is happening to their nation. And, of course, the US government bears a great deal of responsibility for it considering how strongly it opposed the old government in SA and now supports the new murderous regime there.

  2. Precisely and I don't guess there any hope of getting enough support to fight back. Makes you want to go there to help. Criminal.
