Friday, January 7, 2011

"Walking Gun-Gate" Scandal
Among the things we know:

1. ATF’s Phoenix office allowed the guns to go across the border.

2. The ATF office in Mexico was denied permission to share this information with their Mexican counterparts. Believing this was wrong, they went over the heads of the Phoenix office and requested permission directly from headquarters in DC.

3. The higher-ups sided with the Phoenix decision to withhold the information from Mexican authorities.

1 comment:

  1. This just in on the Mexican end of what David Codrea has called "Operation Gunwalker."
    Just received this in over the electronic transom:
    Darren Gil former attache to Mexico is an honest and honorable guy. He was forcefully removed from Mexico w/o warning in Nov in large part because he wouldn't sit silent on these matters. He will tell the truth if asked by competent authority. He retired Dec 31 because of all this.
    OK, Senators and Congressmen and press hounds, too. Now you have a name to pursue in your investigation(s).
