Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Giffords Shooting Changes Nothing

"While the murder of 6 bystanders, the wounding of 14 people, and the attempted murder of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, is indeed a horrible smear in the history of America, it is but one of many.

This fact seems to have eluded the mainstream media, which is declaring (rather prematurely) that the very political climate of our nation will be irrevocably altered by said event. Before any dead had been put to rest, before Jared Loughner had even been officially charged, the MSM unleashed a hailstorm of editorials linking the shooting to the Tea Party, conservatives, gun rights advocates, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, Sarah Palin (as if she has any real influence), and “divisive political rhetoric” overall.

Yet again, the media thrust its sinewy index finger of doom at the Liberty Movement, and yet again I had to see the sniveling sourpuss of SPLC representative Mark Potok spewing lines from his standardized anti-Constitutionalist playbook. Of course, as it turned out, Loughner’s political beliefs were decidedly left-leaning, and his affiliations with the groups the establishment accused were non-existent"

Via Oathkeepers

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