Saturday, December 4, 2010


Dixie and H.K. at the conclusion of the H.L. Hunley Funeral/Parade, April 17 2004
While this letter to the editor will most likely never see the light of day, I nonetheless believe that I posed an interesting question which we would all do well to reflect upon.

Ever notice how those who hate what we love, or who accuse us of possessing some of the worst traits in human nature, will oftentimes complain about "divisiveness" and say that they want "unity" with us or want to be "together" with us?
Reverend Vines’ opposition to the display of Confederate flags and his statement that “we need things to bring us together,” brings up an interesting question. It is clear to me at least that Reverend Vines disdains the things that are important to us and that in doing so, he disdains us. That said, why would he be looking for “things to bring us together”? When you dislike someone, the last thing you want is to be “together” with them. Most normal folks would like to stay as far away as they can from someone they dislike. Yet, Reverend Vines wants ‘togetherness’? The answer is quite simple actually. Reverend Vines and those like him don’t want togetherness with us, they want CONTROL over us! There’s a big difference between the two. C’mon Reverend, stop shoveling the bull and say what you really mean.
Bill Vallante
Commack NY
Sons of Confederate Veterans (Associate Member, Camps 3000, 2086, 1961)

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