Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Colors Of Our Foes

Redcoats, check.
Brownshirts, check.
Bluefingers, check.

"TSA offend thousands of people daily. They aren't bright enough or ethical enough to avoid giving further provocation. They are becoming less popular than lepers used to be. Lepers couldn't help their own plight, whereas TSA blueshirted, bluegloved thugs can. They can quit and get real jobs, or they can kill themselves out of shame. Either outcome would be acceptable.

I look forward to them being hounded and demeaned by the compatriots, to the point where their status would be lower than that of regular child molesters, who at least don't have the protection of the law. Americans are patient and seldom use terminal means of discouragement when milder measures have not been completely exhausted. Avoidance when possible, refusal to associate with current or even former TSA creatures personally or professionally, lawsuits at every opportunity...with luck, the least stable of them would suicide and the rest would eventually lose their jobs and have to do something less harmful for a living."

Oleg Volk

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