Friday, October 29, 2010

A Visiting Ex-Rhodesian On Collectivism, The Dangers We Face, And How We CanTriumph

I have had an interesting visitor from South Africa. He owns the website "African Crisis," and has written a book called "Government by Deception" about the Communist takeover of Rhodesia, where he lived. He and many other Rhodesians fled the country and now he lives in S.A. I wrote some of the things he told us here Visiting America Part I. Like a modern de Tocqueville, he observed many things about common Americans and their land. He stayed with the people and ate with them rather than getting hotels or eating out, and also broadcast on a few radio stations.

Lydia, SWR


  1. Thanks for posting this. This man ran into some progressives who ranted about the "stupid masses" not realizing they helped create the stupid masses by insisting on sending children to government schools where they would learn to be sheep, following the agenda of the federal government. The liberals who referred to people as stupid masses probably were driving cars built by some of those stupid masses, and eating organic food grown by more stupid masses. Our visitor thought the liberals were arrogant and encouraged conservatives to refute any false doctrines we heard, instead of thinking we were defeated. - Lydia McGaughey Sherman

  2. Precisely, and thank you for the article. I hope Dr. Robinson can pull his race off. He's running against a liberal who has been polluting our Congress for 24 years, though.
    Robinson Home School Curriculum

  3. Today a big shiny ad on heavy paper came in the mail that said, "Listening to Art Robinson is like being in the Twilight Zone." It went on to say that he wanted to abolish public schools, an exaggeration based on the fact he believes in school choice, including home schooling. What impressed me was the paper. It was so expensive looking. I can't even afford that heavy card stock for my arts and crafts, and yet the group that sent out that ad sent out thousands of them.

  4. I imagine you know we use his homeschool course and I'm a big believer in all he does. I've got many of his links on NamSouth if you're interested.
