Friday, July 23, 2010

The Day Has Arrived

23 July 2010

Ten years ago, The League of the South issued the following Declaration of Southern Cultural Independence. Standing on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery, the leadership of the League understood that the day must come in which the South would be politically free so she could preserve her sublime cultural inheritance and all that stems from it. That day has arrived. The South can no longer abide in an empire hostile to her very existence as a distinct and living entity. On this day, 23 July 2010, we, The League of the South, call upon our Southern brothers and sisters to rise and shake off the chains—both figurative and literal—that have for too long bound us in thrall to an empire of deceit and tyranny. The empire cannot survive amongst us if we ourselves do not provide it with hands and feet, eyes and ears. Moreover, it cannot continue to exist if we decline to acknowledge its legitimacy and therefore withdraw our consent from it. Lastly, it cannot keep us in bondage if we refuse to fear it.

As you read and ponder the words below, consider whether our Southern homeland is worth your sacrifice of “blood, treasure, and sacred honor.” If it is, we invite you to join our ranks and fight for her survival and prosperity against the forces of darkness that threaten to envelope her.

Michael Hill
Killen, Alabama

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